
Easy-to-implement networking protocol for OpenComputers

Project maintained by ShadowKatStudios Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Minitel for OpenOS

This package includes the Minitel daemon, in etc/rc.d/minitel.lua, and the minitel library for using minitel, in usr/lib/minitel.lua.

Minitel daemon



  1. Run oppm install minitel-util - this will install both the Minitel utilities and pull in the Minitel daemon as a dependency.
  2. Run mtcfg

This will walk you through setting up Minitel.


  1. Place minitel.lua into /etc/rc.d
  2. Place your hostname into /etc/hostname
  3. Run rc minitel enable; rc minitel start


The minitel daemon keeps a settings file in /etc/minitel.cfg, which is loaded on start. This can be edited directly and the daemon restarted, or settings can be changed from the command line.

To change a setting, one invokes:

rc minitel set <option> <value>

Available settings

In addition, one can invoke to get large amounts of debug output, *rc minitel set_route * to add a static route, and *rc minitel del_route * to delete a static route.


The Minitel daemon handles both sending and receiving packets, via events. There are four types of events used:.

net_msg, from, port, data

This event is triggered when the Minitel daemon receives a data (type 0 or 1) packet.

net_ack, packet ID

This event is triggered when the Minitel daemon receives an acknowledgement (type 2) packet.

net_broadcast, from, port, data

This event is triggered when the Minitel daemon receives a broadcast (addressed to ‘~’) packet of type 1 or 2.

net_send, packet type, to, port, data, packet ID

This event can be queued (with computer.pushSignal) to manually build packets. While you should never need to use this, it may be useful for certain edge cases.

Minitel library

The minitel library provides an easy way of interacting with the minitel daemon, and implements higher-level features of the stack.


Layer 3

minitel.genPacketID() - returns a string of random data

minitel.usend(host, port, data, pid) - Sends an unreliable packet to host on port containing data, optionally with the packet ID pid.

minitel.rsend(host, port, data, block) - Sends a reliable packet to host on port containing data. If block is true, don’t wait for a reply.

Layer 4

minitel.send(host, port, data) - Sends data reliably and in order to host on port.

Layer 5

minitel.open(to,port) - Establishes a stream to host on port and returns a stream object

minitel.listen(port) - Waits for another node to establish a stream, and returns the stream object.

Stream objects

stream:write(data) - Sends data to the node at the other end of the stream

stream:read(length) - Reads data from the stream, in several modes:

stream:close() - Ends the stream and prevents further writing.


minitel.mtu = 4096 - The maximum length of the data portion of a packet for minitel.send

minitel.streamdelay = 60 - The time, in seconds, minitel.open will wait for a response while trying to establish a connection.

minitel.minport = 32768 - The lowest port minitel.listen will allocate to a new connection.

minitel.maxport = 65535 - The highest port minitel.listen will allocate to a new connection.